Tuesday 1 October 2013

The Celebratory Cell Membrane - Cause it's a party

"It's Simple, Let me Explain, Vote for the Cell Membrane!"
Hi there, its your favourite candidate for the battle the organelles, Mr. Cell Membrane. Most people may think I am not as important to the cell like the other organelles, but that's because I am not discussed as much. Here, let me give you a little insight and hopefully change your opinion about me.  My appearance is quite unique if I do say so myself. I have a double layer made up of molecules (called phospholipids) which are semi-permeable and "squishy"  ( I guess I'm just a softy).
Now that you know how attractive I am, let's move on to my hard working characteristics. I enclose the cell content like a big, cosy, heartfelt hug. I monitor what enters and exits the cell like a boarder to insure the cell's safety. I keep you healthy and alive and am honoured for having this responsibility. I also have cell surface receptors that help cells communicate with one another. Don't forget that I am the reason us cells stick together in the animal cell. Heck I'm so important I'm found in both plant and animal cells! I am even found in eukaryotic, prokaryotic cells!
I know I have a few flaws such as accidently allowing viruses to enter the cell from time to time but everyone makes mistakes, everyone has those days, everyone knows what-what I'm talking about, everyone gets that way. So what are you waiting for, don't be insane vote for the cell membrane, you won't regret it! 
 (Aren't I looking sharp and ready to protect your well-being)

If you want to learn more about me just watch, and don't forget to sing along!

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