Monday, 7 October 2013


 I'm only found in plant cells! I have a really important role in the plant cell. My job is to absorb all the light I can so that photosynthesis can be done. If the plant cell does not have photosynthesis occur then the plant has a chance of dying due to the oxygen the photosynthesis absorbs. 

    Without me, plants have a high chance of dying faster! They only have one other option which is to find something else to produce the oxygen to them so they do not die. Chloroplast has a big role in the plant cell. Even though it isn't in the animal also, it is still important! 



  1. Saying that you (The Chloroplasts) are the most important organelle within a cell is ever so inaccurate seeing as all animal cells are able to live without the presence of the "Ever so important" Chloroplast. Chloroplasts are the basis of all energy within a PLANT CELL therefore meaning that they are not needed outside of a PLANT CELL. All i can do as a lysosome is sit back and laugh seeing that you think that a simple chloroplast could ever overtake the importance of the all-mighty lysosome!

    Being a lysosome I believe that all basics of living should come from the original source of genetics the nucleus though he provides everything around us I am the one keeping him safe the only reason he survives and is able to repopulate so easily is because of my hard work. You would not exist without a nucleus and he would not exist without me.

  2. Woah, hold up there, Chloroplast! You mentioned that you were only found in plant cells? And then you still try and say that you're the most important?! Step aside! Obviously the ribosomes are much more significant. We are found in both plant and animal cells and we regularly complete a variety of tasks that are all absolutely vital to the cell! The ribosomes produce the cell's proteins, which are necessary for growth, reproduction, creating DNA, fighting viruses, and many other necessary functions! We do so much, I can hardly believe it myself! I mean, I can't blame you for being an amateur, but at least the ribosomes are around to truly keep the cells alive!

    See you in the cell!
    -The Ribosomes

  3. As a complete stranger unaffiliated with whatever educational institution to which this blog belongs, I feel obligated to mention that chloroplasts are also found in the Euglena, a Protist, which can photosynthesize in lieu of other unicellular organisms to consume. It possesses an "eye" that detects light such that it may execute this function.

    So, no, you're not only found in plant cells.

  4. Id like to add that without chloroplasts, humans and animals would die due to the fact that we need the oxygen it can produce.
