I'm only found in plant cells! I have a really important role in the plant cell. My job is to absorb all the light I can so that photosynthesis can be done. If the plant cell does not have photosynthesis occur then the plant has a chance of dying due to the oxygen the photosynthesis absorbs.
Without me, plants have a high chance of dying faster! They only have one other option which is to find something else to produce the oxygen to them so they do not die. Chloroplast has a big role in the plant cell. Even though it isn't in the animal also, it is still important!
Hello! It is I, the Centriole! There are many obvious and non-obvious reasons why I should be chosen as top cell, but before I tell you these reasons, let me inform you about myself. To begin I am located beside the nucleus and rough endoplasmic reticulum in the cell. A second fact you should know is that I am composed of nine sets of triplet microtubules. The reason why I have so many microtubules is because due to my amazing organization skills, it is my job to organize all of these microtubules during their assembly. I organize microtubules in mainly animal cells. Most plant cells lack centrioles all together because my organization is not essential in all eukaryotes. Now that you know a little more about me, I shall explain my essential role in the interphase stage of mitosis. As you know during the S and G2 phase DNA is replicated then continues to grow. My role during these two phases is to replicate to form two new centrosomes. These new centrosomes then go on opposite sides of the dividing nucleus and are both used as poles for the mitotic spindle. As you can see my role is essential during the interphase stage of mitosis and without me animal life would seize to exist. In conclusion, I should be nominated as top organelle for my perfect organization skills and role in animal life.
Annoynmous, Annoynmous. "Cell Models: An Interactive Animation." Home of CELLS alive!. Quills Graphics , n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2013. <http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/cell_model.htm> (Information)
Nero, Debra. "Chapter 4: The Chromosome Theory of Inheritance."Study guide/solutions manual to accompany Genetics : from genes to genomes, third edition. 3rd ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2008. 89 . Print. (Information)
Campbell, Neil A., and Jane B. Reece. "Chapter 7L A Tour of the Cell ." Biology. 6th ed. San Francisco: Benjamin Cummings, 2002. 128 . Print. (Information)
When you are thinking about who to vote for....remember ME, the nucleus! I am the most important organelle within the cell. I act as the brain of the cell, controlling movement, reproduction, structure, function, what comes in and out, growth and division of the cell. In addition, I hold all the cell’s DNA which contains genetic information about the cell used for activity. I’m like the brainiac maniac! I also contain the nucleolus where ribosomes (protein) are created. Its a no-brainer, I am definitely the most important organelle because without me, the rest of the cell would not survive.
The nucleus, always the center of everything.
...because the brain is a horrible thing to waste!
Is responsible for cytokinesis, cell movement, and the organization of the organelles within the cell.
Oh.. you better. If you didn't have me, you wouldn't be able to have me as a "track" for the chromosomes to move during mitosis. Which means that if the chromosomes don't complete mitosis and you don't have the help from me to actually divide the cell during cytokinesis, then you wouldn't be here. Cells need to be able to divide or injuries would never heal, you would never grow, and lets be real here--you wouldn't exist!
OKAY..... What else???
-It provides movement and stability to the cell.
-The cytoskeleton consists of microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments.
- acts as a frame to determine cell shape.
- provides a set of "tracks" for cell organelles and vesicles to follow.
- forms the spindle fibers for separating chromosomes during mitosis.
Actin Filaments
-they associate with the proteins that control muscle contractions within the cell.
-carry out cellular movements including gliding, contraction, and cytokinesis.
Intermediate Filaments
-provide flexible strength for the cell.
The cell membrane is the most important part of the cell
because it controls the materials that come in and out of the cell. This is just
like border security; they let only efficient materials in and harmful
materials stay out. Without the cell membrane any materials would be able to enter the cell including intruders, there would be no way to stop them from attacking the cell. The cell membrane stops the cell from crashing and becoming unresponsive because it stops any horrible cells from entering the cell and disrupting its function. Without the cell membrane we would probably all be dead because our trillions of cells would all be invaded with disease-filled cells and they would slowly destroy us.
The nucleus is a spherical organelle and is the control center of the cell. It is made up of the nucleolus, nucleoplasm, and a double membrane covered in nuclear pores.
The nucleus holds 6 feet of DNA within it. The nucleus directs all other parts of the cell. It is often considered the most important part of a cell. Without the nucleus' direction the other organelles wouldn't know what to do.
Although prokaryotic cells do not have a true nucleus they still have the components that make up the nucleus. It is just not within a nuclear membrane. All cells need the information stored in the nucleus. Some of the information is used for forming the cell, therefor without the nucleus the cell wouldn't be. The nucleus is also important for reproduction and cell metabolism. So, vote for nucleus. We will always put u before us.
We have a single cell membrane that carry digestive enzymes for breaking down poisonous materials in the cell. We are very well known for the production of bile acids that are important in the absorption of fats and fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A and K and we also participate in the function of alcohol (ethanol) digestion that, because of that important role, your liver cells are going possess more peroxisomes than the majority of other cells in your body. And we don't stop there! We also play a role in cholesterol synthesis and the digestion of amino acids.
We Will Work Hard For You!
We work in a very specific way. Our enzymes attack complex molicules and break them down into smaller molicules which creates hydrogen peroxide, which we then break down into harmless water and oxygen. The oxygen can be used for the next digestive reaction.
We Don't Discriminate, We Love Everyone!
Not only are we in animal cells, but we are also in plant cells. You will find us in the glyoxylate cycle in germinating seeds, photoresperation in leaves, and fighting fungal penetration of plant cells.
Every living cell that exists must contain at least one mitochondria, though some more active cells, such as those in muscles, contain more. This is because mitochondria are responsible for creating the energy that powers your movements
, even the most simple ones, such as breathing, or blinking. Fat cells also contain many more than one mitochondria, because they store large amounts of energy. A mitochondria will contain its own small chromosomes. These are usually only passed down through the mother.
Mr. Larry C. Lysosome the MOST important organelle
and your best bet for top organelle
The Lysosome
I am the single most important organelle within a cell. As a lysosome I work hard to make sure that all virus's and unwanted matter are disposed from the cell. My enzymes work harder than any other to keep our cell healthy! The cells health revolves around my Job to decompose threats. Other competitors can say that they are important because they provide the cell with energy or helps the create proteins but I am the reason they are still healthily functioning. Why vote on the guys you rely on me for their own well being. You should vote for the guy who helps others! Make the right choice and vote lysosome as they guy who helps give you a better home!
How I Work
There is a lot of work that goes into to what I do but I continue to strive forward for the well being of the rest of us. My mixture of enzymes can break down anything that can be possible threat to the cells health. I play the roll of a Sheriff within our own cell city keeping all the bad guys out and disposing of them! Seeing as I do that I believe I am well respected by my fellow organelles seeing as I am the one who keeps them alive!
What I consist of!
As a lysosome I consist of three parts which all have very important functions. Firstly we have we the plasma membrane the plasma membrane is used to help contain all internals of of organelle which is the Hydrolytic Enzyme mixture. Secondly the Lipid Bilayer within the plasma membrane is a polar membrane made by two layers of lipid molecules which form a sheet to barrier the cells. It keeps all ions, proteins and molecules where they are needed to diffusion in the wrong areas. Thirdly the Hydrolytic Enzyme Mixture is what breaks down
proteins, carbohydrates, and fat molecules into their most basic units. During the hydrolysis a single water molecule is added to the polymer creates a covalent bond to hold the two monomers. Then the decomposition takes place.
Hello fellow organelles! I am the vacuole, and I want to claim the title of being "The Most Important Organelle in the Cell". This has been a dream of mine since 1841 when Felix Dujardin first discovered me under a compound microscope while observing a plant cell. He named me "vacuole" which comes from the Latin word "vacuus" which means "empty". He named me this because he believed that I was an empty space inside the cell. Little did he know how untrue this was, because the truth is, I`m not empty. In fact, I play a very important role in helping the cell to function along with many other huge contributions that affect the real world.
Who I AM
A VERY Simple Metaphor of How A Vacuole Works
-I am enclosed in membrane termed "tonoplast" which controls what materials enter into me and what exits out of me.
- The solution inside of me named "cell sap", is very different from the surrounding cytoplasm because I store certain materials inside of me that cannot be found in the cytoplasm. In this way, I am like a storage unit for the cell that contains all the extra materials that the cell is not presently using and release them when they are required. Although this is one of my main jobs as a vacuole, this is not the only function I am required to do.
My Role in the Cell
I come in many shapes, sizes, numbers, and forms, and my functions vary depending on what type of cell I`m in but if you vote for me, I promise that I will:
Store and dispose waste
Provide protection to the cell
Help cell growth
Store waterand other important salts, minerals, proteins, and pigments
Provide support to plant structure
Isolate materials that are harmful or threatening to the cell.
Maintain internal fluid pressure/ turgor
Maintain acidic internal pH
Export unwanted substance
Help cell degradation of unnecessary or dysfunctional cell components (autophagy)
And Much More!
Left: Plant Cell- large "Central Vacuole"- in a mature plant cell, vacuole can occupy
over 80% of cell.
Lower Right: Animal Cell- smaller than plant cell vacuole
-usually more than one vacuole with jobs divided between the vacuoles.
* Vacuoles also present in all fungal cells and some protest and bactorial cells*
Why I Am Important
-Some plant cell vacuoles contain pigments that give flowers their colour which help attract bees and other pollinators. This is important because without bright colours to attract pollinators, pollination could be slowed which would decrease plant reproduction. This would result in a disruption in the food chain on which all life relies on.
-Plant cell vacuoles release molecules that are poisonous or unpleasant to various pests which discourages plant consumption. These molecules act like a natural pesticide which supports plant growth and aids in balancing a healthy ecosystem.
-Plant cell vacuoles control water turgor which keeps plant`s stems and leaves firm. Without this water pressure, plants would become limp and unhealthy which could result in poor fruit production or even death of the plant.
So don`t make the wrong choice, use your voice and vote.... VACUOLE!
Lysosomes are a very important part to the life of a cell. The lysosomes are known as the "stomach" of the cell because of the way they function. This membrane bound organelle is present in animal, eukaryotic cells. This organelle is a vesicle that contains enzymes that contribute to digesting food and breaking down a cell when it dies. The lysosomes also protect cells from any bacteria or virus's that may do any damage to the cell and can be used to break down any other worn out cell organelle. All of this is done using the enzymes that the lysosome contains. These enzymes are very powerful and require an acidic environment to function properly. Because the enzymes can digest most biological molecules it may seem like it would be harmful to the cell. But, first off, the enzymes are surrounded by a membrane that encloses them inside the lysosome and secondly, the enzymes would not be able to function properly outside of the lysosomes because of the low acidity level of the rest of the cell. Overall, the lysosome is a very important organelle to the cell and voting for the lysosome would be the best choice!
The Golgi apparatus is the best choice for a an organelle because it is the most important. The cell would not be able to function without me, in fact if the Golgi isn't functioning correctly the cell will result in congenital glycosylation disorders, and some forms of muscular dystrophy which can lead to diabetes or cancer. I am in charge of modifying protein; after being brought to me I process the protein, then package it and send it to the other organelles that need my assistance.
The Mighty Mitochondria- The Powerhouse that Powers You!
The mitochondria is by far the most important organelle in the cell. It is the "power plant" of the cell where the energy is produced through cellular respiration. As illustrated below, this is the process in which the enzymes in the matrix, which is a liquid in the mitochondria, create usable energy. The organelle use oxygen and the sugars stored in food (glucose), to produce carbon dioxide, water and adenosine triphosphate (ATP). These ATP molecules serve as the energy sources for all basic functions of life: such as, breathing, eating, moving, thinking and everything that a living thing must do to survive. In addition to producing the essential energy needed in a cell, the mitochondria also completed many other important specialized functions of the organelle. For example, the mitochondria is involved in building, breaking down, and recycling of certain DNA parts. In addition, the mitochondria is responsible for producing parts of certain hormones, such as estrogen and testosterone. If there were no mitochondria than many other essential functions of the cell would not be possible.
The process of cellular respiration.
The structure of a mitochondria cell.
The structure of the mitochondria also plays a role in it's importance. The mitochondria has two membranes as opposed to one like most other organelles. The outer membrane protects the organelle and the inner membrane folds over many times, creating a larger surface area. More space allows for the organelle to do more work and thus be more important.
We are barrel shaped structures. Present
only in eukaryotic animal cells and always present in pairs contained within a
structure known as centrosome found near the nucleus. A new matching set of us is made up in
the process of division. One called a daughter centriole and the other called
the mother centriole.
We separate chromosomes during cell division
by creating mitotic poles that cause these chromosomes to move away from one
another and be pulled towards us with help of spindle fibers that extend from
us towards the metaphase plate. Chromosomes wouldn’t separate without our pull,
they would remain as one and in a group with other chromosomes thus resulting
in impossibility of mitosis.
Other jobs that would be impossible without us are intracellular transportation, motility, the maintenance of the structural
integrity of the cell, and the formation of the cilia/flagella. Without us,
asexual and sexual reproduction would not exist. Meaning that animals, such as
humans would scientifically not be able to survive. This is true because without
our help in cell division, cells would become too large which would prevent
them from being able to function properly. The cell would eventually explode or
break down and die because of this. Just like any other system would.
We are a great role player in the life of
sperm cells as well. We are the ones that form the sperms tail. We give a sperm
protein fibers that give them additional energy and a wavelike movement that drives them through
the seminal fluid. If we were not here for the sperms
use, they wouldn’t be able to navigate. On the contrary, they would be stuck in
one place resulting in impossible contact with the female reproductive cell known
as the egg. Both female and male reproductive cells are critical for
reproducing multicellular life systems (sexual reproduction). This is because these
two cells form an embryo when in contact which continues to grow in the women’s
uterus concluding in baby being made/born.
In other words, you could very well say that we are the organelle making all animal life possible. After reading this you know thateven small parts of the cell play the biggest roles so why vote for other organelles whenyou know the most important one is right here!!!!
The Cell Wall is the best candidate for the winner of the Battle of the Organelles.
Why vote for the Cell Wall?
* The Cell Wall holds all the organelles in the cell together
* The Cell Wall protects the cell from any physical injury
* The Cell Wall keeps the right amount of water concentrated in the cell
* Without a Cell Wall the Cell wont survive! Cell Wall Structure
The Cell wall is an abiotic secretion of the cell membrane which is made of cellulose. The Cell wall gets its strength from the cellulose fibrils deposited in the layers of the wall. The Cell wall has small openings which are called pits that make the Cell Wall totally permeable (allows liquids and gases through the wall).
The Cell Wall is very underrated organelle and does not get as much credit as the Nucleus or Mitochondria but if their is no Cell Wall their will be no Cell! Their is no point in voting for any other organelle when you know the Cell Wall is the best a organelle can be. Vote for the Cell Wall!
The endoplasmic reticulum serves as many functions of the cell. There are two types: the smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER) and the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER).
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum has a big range of usages such as the carbohydrate synthesis. It also helps fluids travel throughout the cell. In liver cells, it produces enzymes that help to detoxify certain compounds. It also helps in muscle cells, where it helps the contraction of muscle cells. In brain cells, it synthesizes male and female hormones.
The rough endoplasmic reticulum also has a big range of usages. It manufactures membranes and ribosomes (proteins). In certain white blood cells, it produces antibodies. In pancreatic cells, in produces insulin.
Both help each other out. When the rough endoplasmic reticulum produces proteins and membranes, they move in to the smooth endoplasmic reticulum to be transferred to other locations.
I am present in plant cells, but sugars created by me are PRESENT IN ALL CELLS.
I may be also be present in some PROTISTS.
I create PHOTOSYNTHESIS in the presence of water, sunlight and carbon dioxide gas, which results in sugars (food).
Within me contain TWOMEMBRANES that protect my inner parts.
I contain a STROMA which is the area inside the me where chemical reactions occur, resulting in starches.
I also include THYLAKOID. These important structures have CHLOROPHYLL molecules on their surfaces, where sunlight is transformed into sugars.
A stack of thylakoid is called a GRANUM.
Every granum is connected by STROMALLAMELLAE. This acts my skeleton.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ In conclusion, why vote for anyone else? Obviously I'm the most important organelle in our whole world! So go on, vote me, Chloroplasts, king of the organelles!